Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Daily Vitamins

On Sunday late afternoon a woman and her two kids knocked on the gate and asked for food. I told them to wait a minute while I went and asked Tesfanesh. She said of course and I ran to get three plates ready for them. We only had a little injera and wot left but I grabbed some and three cups and water and went back outside. When I opened it there were two women, one pregnant, and five kids (two sleeping) between them. I ran back inside and made up one more plate, we ran out of injera and wot, and got some more water. The kids were so excited about the water that we filled up their one bottle and gave them three more full ones. I ran upstairs and grabbed some children’s multi-vitamins (after asking Tesfanesh) and then I went into my room and grabbed a bottle of women’s vitamins and ripped the note off my mom had stuck on there, “Emily please start taking these.” I made sure that a pregnant lady could take them and then I explained to them through Buze that the kids get one a day and they get one a day. Then they left. I told my sister Autumn to tell my mom that they were going to a good cause - and I prefer Flintstones anyways.

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