Wednesday, March 11, 2009

#3 And I Thought Los Angeles Was Bad

I know it’s a long title but I really thought that driving in Los Angeles was bad. It is nothing compared to Addis. Some of the roads have lines dividing it into lanes but no one stays in their own lane. There are few stop signs and stoplights…people just go and hope no one hits them. You have to look in all directions constantly. If you are a pedestrian you walk at your own risk - this includes sidewalks. There are cows, goats, and donkeys walking the streets that you have to watch out for as well. On Sunday I navigated the minibuses with Alemu and Israel to church. We had to cross two streets and Israel didn’t stay close enough and almost got hit by a car - luckily an older lady took his hand. Alemu didn’t go and had to wait on the other side until the car passed. The lady yelled at them to stay close to me. Hahahahaha. I told them that our mom would not be happy if they got hit by a minibus…I know they didn’t understand - but I think they got the point after we crossed again. Just so you know we made it to church on time (5 minutes early…sorry dad it’s not the typical 15 minutes) and back without an accident.

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