SNL anyone? Since we have lost and gained so many children I will give you an update on who is at the house from youngest to oldest.
Melaku- He is between 3 and 4 weeks but we aren’t 100% sure. He has the cutest hair.
Ammanuel- He is 2 maybe 3 months and so beautiful.
Lily- She is now 5 months and a good size too. When she sneezes she sounds like Donald duck.
Yeabsera- She is also 5 months and has the best smile.
Enqutatash- She is 7 months and is going to be a heartbreaker.
Ruth- She is also 7 months old and is a “pudding” according to Phillipa.
Muna- She is 7 months as well and becoming very active.
Halle (Hallelujah)- She is 9 months maybe. Sue didn’t remember her name so Missaye named her Halle which is short for Hallelujah.
Henok- He is 9 months and has 6 teeth now.
Damenu- She is one year old and just learned how to walk by herself.
Meskerem- She is 15 months- maybe- and is starting to talk and responds to Hiwot.
Habtamu- He is almost 2 and makes funny faces all the time.
Helina- She is two and has 6 teeth now! She is talking more and more all the time. She even knows “Don’t do that,” and uses it correctly.
Melkamu- He is two and is just adorable. I wish I could take him home. Actually I would take any of them home.
Bruke- He is three and has an adorable smile.
Matthewos- He is three and has been having trouble listening lately – but still he is a wonderful little boy.
Juju- She is three and is the twin of Jurie. I can only tell them apart because Juju has a tuft of hair in the front and Jurie doesn’t.
Jurie- She is three and cries herself to sleep almost every night while Juju comforts her.
Hannah- She is four and likes to laugh…a lot.
Little Eyob- He is four- maybe. He likes to preach to the other kids.
Sena- He is four and has such a big smile he often drools…it is super cute.
Kanesa- He is four and brothers with Melkamu. He is a super sweet boy.
Big Eyob- He is five maybe. He is the brother of Helina. He is a big helper now that all the big kids are gone.
Sentayhu- She is six and very beautiful She is the sister of Habtamu. I really like her…she is a very very sweet girl. She asked me if I was her mom and I said no that I was her aunt. She now calls me auntie in Amharic sometimes.
So that’s all twenty-four kids now that Temesgen went home today. Within the next two days Sena, Juju and Jurie are going home.