Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Top Ten:

These are my top ten things I love about being home for a visit - in no particular order:
1. Flushing toilets and hot showers - I definitely took those for granted.
2. Wearing shorts & tank-tops
3. Eating meat
4. Speaking the same language as everyone else
5. Talking to my family & friends in person
6. Spending time with my family
7. Catching up with the families & children from Ethiopia who are now in the U.S.
8. Experiencing some of the "firsts" with Alemu, Israel & Elias
9. Rest
10. Talking to people and opening up their eyes to the needs in Ethiopia. On Sunday I am doing a presentation at my church about my time in Ethiopia - I'm nervous already and it's only Tuesday. Yikes!

1 comment:

Hurricane Living said...

Enjoy your rest & all the little things that we take for granted! Thank you so much for the work you do in my daughter's birthcountry!