Kenesa has been really sick the last couple of days. On Monday Philipa (the nurse who checks in) was playing with the little kids outside and noticed that he was sleeping…which is really unusual. All of the sudden he threw up twice. He had a fever of 102.4 but with children's ibuprofen it was soon back to normal. He stayed with me all day and slept, colored and watched movies and had some bread and tea - which he threw up. He slept in my room that night and didn't throw up any more. Tuesday morning he said he felt sick again after breakfast but didn't throw up nor did he have a fever. Again he stayed with me throughout the morning but after lunch he was back outside playing with the other children.
Tesfanesh (the nanny) asked him that night if he felt sick and he said no. Wednesday morning I went in to get the kids ready for the day and he was still sleeping. I thought that since he didn't have a nap yesterday he was probably still tired and let him sleep on. I put his clothes on his bed and took the little ones to get clean clothes. I told myself that after they were dressed I would go get him but I forgot about him. After every one was dressed, the babies bathed and fed I remembered. I rushed to his room while burping Yabsira and he was still sleeping. I felt his forehead – he was burning up. I felt so bad that I had forgotten him. I rushed back and put her down and grabbed my thermometer…103.6 and it wasn't even done – I didn't wait. I stripped him of his clothes and we ran back to my room – literally ran. He was so hot and he wouldn't wake up. I grabbed some wash clothes, pedialyte, children's ibuprofen, water and water basin. I gave him the medicine and pedialyte and took his temperature again – 103.8. I nearly cried as his naked little body with a huge distended stomach was lying on the spare bed in my room. I don't think I have ever prayed so desperately. It seemed like as soon as I would lay a cold washcloth on his body I would have to take it off because it was hot. I got him to wake up and drink some diluted crystal light.
His temperature was finally back to normal after an hour and a half of constantly wiping him down with cool wash clothes. I put some clothes on him and he fell back to sleep. I went downstairs to get some breakfast and when I came back Yabsira was crying so I went and fed her. I went to check on him he was cold and damp…very very cold. I thought he had died. He wasn't moving or waking up to my calling his name or gently shaking him. I frantically searched for his pulse – he still had one! I sent up a quick prayer of thanks and took his temperature again – 96.6. I sat him up and tried to get him to drink some more but he fought me. He wasn't awake or speaking English but he was refusing to drink. Right now he is in such a delirious state. He is sweating so profusely and mumbling and refusing to be moved let alone touched. I wipe his head off with a cloth every couple of minutes and he barely lets me do that.
I called Philipa to see if there was anything else that I should do. She said there wasn't much else because it is most likely a virus. Hiwot came in and said that it was malaria because he is from that region but I know it's not. His cold sweats have finally stopped although his temperature hasn't risen past 97.0. He keeps dry heaving. He vomited once before when I sat him up to give him more medicine and it was just bile. Now there is nothing left in his stomach to throw up. He is in such pain every time I touch him he cringes…his body aches. I made him scrambled eggs for dinner because he was hungry…he threw it up after 5 bites.
He is the most precious four year old I know and it hurts to watch him. He comes up from behind me and hugs my neck and then leans around and kisses my cheek when I am outside playing with the kids. He tried to do my hair the other day with Hannah and Tamirat…he just thought it was the strangest thing…I don't think he has ever touched non-curly hair before because he was just giggling the whole time.
It is Thursday morning. I did not sleep at all last night because he was throwing up the entire time. I felt so bad as I held his little body while he was dry heaving. When I left he was still throwing up anything he drank. Thank the Lord we have pedialyte. I hope this flu virus doesn't hit anyone else.
Thank you so much for all your thoughts and prayers.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Friday, December 12, 2008
November 20, 2008
**For privacy purposes I have changed the names of my future brothers to "A" (10 year old) and "I" (8 year old) until they are legally my parent's children. Until then the Ethiopian government values privacy and since I have the same last name as my parent's and a connection could be made I didn't want to jeopardize anything.**
A Day of Firsts
This was a day of many firsts. When I got up I used baby wipes to shave my legs. It actually worked better than I thought. Not having running water is a bit challenging but I am getting used to it. I take showers when we have running water other wise I use baby wipes for everything. Do you know how hard it is to wash your hair using a bucket of cold water and being by yourself? It's challenging.
I then went with Hiwot (a nanny...I learned that this is how to spell her name) out to buy supplies. We were told the night before that four children were coming to the house the next day but we weren't sure who and we would not find out until later that day. So I asked all the nannies what they needed and I asked the cook (Meseret) what she needed and we left. We took the public transportation for a while and then decided that it would be faster to just take a contract taxi. Our first stop was to buy a SIM card…we went to three different places before we were able to get one. Technically I am not allowed to get one because I am not a citizen but Hiwot was able to get one for me. Then we went to buy a cell phone that would actually work in this country. I got a good deal on one - which is surprising because I am white. They usually up the price because they know that white people can usually afford it. We then drove all over Addis finding the stuff that was on our list. I do not like having to go to many places to buy different things…sometimes I wish that they would have a large store like Target where you can buy practically anything. Here you have to go to one shop for plastic buckets, one shop for soap, one shop for baby soap, one shop for cloth diaper covers, one shop for blankets, and so on. It takes all day to go shopping here.
I haven't been to the Mercado (outdoor market) yet but hopefully soon. When we got home the ladies were so thankful that it made the long day worth every penny and minute we were out. I made a fun-fetti cake because it was a special day. I then learned that instead of four children we were getting six children and seven adults (plus two infants who won't stay). Whoa whoa whoa… hold the phone…that is way more that four children. I asked Tesfanesh where everyone was going to stay…she said she didn't know but that she would figure it out. And that the two extra boys were "I" and "A"…my brothers! Woo Hoo! I thought they were going to be here at the beginning of December not now…I wanted to call my mom but I calculated that it was 4am. So I didn't.
Tesfanesh went out to get more food and while she was gone a van full of people showed up. Out came seven adults and eight children (two of them are not being adopted thus not staying). About three minutes after everyone was inside the power went out. All the nannies ran around looking for candles and placing them in the kitchen, kid's dining room and the living room. I immediately recognized "A" and "I" and I tried hard to explain who I was. I ran upstairs and brought pictures of my mom with the boys down. I think "A" understood - I know "I" didn't. I was told that "I"'s mom was here and she had just had a baby girl the week before. Holy Cow! We all thought "I"'s mom was dead…turns out she's not. Dinner was hectic and the nannies and I didn't end up eating until 9pm or so. I called my mom and she was so excited that the boys are here with me. We are all hoping that they pass court the first time and can travel right after Christmas. (This was written prior to the court date, Dec 9th. Everything was not in order and a new court date has been set for Jan. 22nd).
Rescue Me
This house is over flowing with children. Most of the time I really enjoy all of the children but then there are split seconds when I just want my personal space. Today was a day of personal hygiene for the children. I brought out the toothbrushes and the q-tips. It is so hard getting everyone's teeth brushed in an orderly fashion. They were so excited brush their teeth - which is completely opposite from the kids in the U.S. – that they swarmed me jumping up and down asking for their tooth brush. Once I was able to hand every one their brush with toothpaste on it the spitting began. I know they didn't mean to spit on me and that they are only two and three but it was nasty and I got upset.
Tamirat wanted my sole attention but when there are 15 other kids that need help it is just impossible and so he clung to my leg when I was helping the other kids. He loves his shoes and when they fell off he just started crying and placed in my lap muddy wet sneakers getting my clothes all dirty – all while I was brushing Eyob's teeth. After I got all the toothbrushes from them and re-wrote their names with sharpie instead of washable marker I brought out the q-tips. Every single one had nasty ears. I had them sit on my lap while I tried my best to get out as much wax as possible without putting it in their ear too far. I even had "A" sit on my lap and he is almost as tall as me.
I have noticed that the kids from Emmanuel are more mal-nourished and have poorer hygiene than the kids from Kamashi. I'm not saying that the actual orphan center is worse just that they come to the orphan center in such bad shape because it is a very poor area. For example Kanesa (formerly spelled Kenisha) has really bad teeth. His gums bleed so much when I brush them but I am extra gentle with him because of it. I'm not sure if they are cavities but he has permanent black stuff on his teeth and plaque that will not go away. From a distance you can't see this stuff but as I was brushing I noticed. His ears were also the worst of all the other kids. He had dried wax in the fold of the tops of his ears and dried wax all over the ear canal. I think I used six q-tips for him alone.
Maternal Instict
Even though I am not a mom I think I have more of a maternal instinct than some of the mother's that were/are staying here. Lily's mom (Bezunesh) has been here for three weeks now and has been breastfeeding her to reduce the risk of infection that is likely to occur in premies that are formula fed. I know she is only 19 years old but I could do a better job than she is. Since she is feeding Lily she has been helping out with Muna and Yabsira (formerly spelled Yeahbsura) a lot - which has been a big help to Tesfanesh (I learned how to spell her name) who is now able to help me with the 15 older kids. We had to teach her how to do everything. A couple days ago I noticed that as soon as she was done feeding her she set her down and then about ten minutes later Lily vomited. I told her through Tesfanesh that she needed to burp her every time after she eats. She thinks that if they are crying then they are hungry - the thought of a dirty diaper or the want of being held never enters her mind. I find myself checking often to see if the girls need to be changed or burped or held.
Most days I only use silverware to stir my coffee or to scoop more shirowot onto my injera (shirowot is made of lentils and has the consistency of gravy). Meseret has Sundays off so I decided that I should cook dinner one of these days it just so happened that it worked out perfectly today – so I made for all 22 people homemade chicken noodle soup. Luckily you can buy de-feathered chickens at some little markets so I didn't have to kill any today. Hiwot and I took the minibus to Gebriel where we knew the market there had 'prepared chicken' as they call it. I was learning how the minibus system works so that I can get around town without having to pay an arm and a leg with contract taxis. (I wasn't able to go church this morning because there wasn't any contract taxis by the house).
Anyways back to the chicken noodle soup. I boiled the whole chickens and started on the noodles. I taught Hiwot how to make them – she likes to help in the kitchen but most of the time her three babies need her and Meseret doesn't really need help making wot and injera. They don't have a rolling pin so we used a vinegar bottle and it worked surprisingly well. I quadrupled the batch thinking that it would be plenty…I should have made five or six batches of dough. We had JUST enough and some probably could have eaten more but there wasn't any left. Luckily we had made a stop for fresh bread so the kids had that with their soup. I think God helped me ration the two pots of soup for all 22 people. After all the noodles were in I really didn't think we would have enough but we did. We left the two chicken carcasses in the fridge for Meseret…Tesfanesh said that we should tell her that there are leftovers in the fridge for her.
I decided that I would cook on Sunday nights for everyone. This will take a lot of pressure off of the ladies who have to cook and take care of their kids on Sundays. Tesfanesh said that she couldn't wait till next week. While she was talking I looked over at Bezunesh (Lily's mom) and she was eating her soup with her bread like it was injera and wot. I told her that she has to use silverware and that this isn't injera. I never thought it to be such a foreign thing but then I never use my hands to eat crepes and gravy (injera and wot) either.
I took "A" to church with me one Sunday and we went out to eat with Philipa's family after. He ordered a fish sandwich and ate it like injera and wot. I think this was his first time eating a sandwich. If you have never eaten Ethiopian cuisine then you probably don't know how to eat injera and wot. First you lay some injera (like a crepe) flat on a plate then you scoop the different kinds of wot onto your injera. Then you tear a piece of injera and use it to pinch the wot (with your thumb and three fingers of your right hand) and place it in your mouth. I think everyone should find an Ethiopian restaurant and try some.
Are we Really in the 21st Century?
Yesterday I rode home from downtown Alembank to the house in a horse drawn buggy. It was the most rickety thing and super uncomfortable but it was so much fun. It was mostly made of rebar and tarp with some wood for the harness thing. What was the tarp used for? Well for the seat cushion and covering where canvas is usually used. It wasn't much of a cushion though as we bumped along on the rocky road. I was carrying eggs praying to God that I wouldn't fall out and break them. I think I will try it again soon.
Ho Ho Ho Merry Christmas
I went Christmas shopping the other day with Philipa (the Australian nurse), her daughter Hannah, her sister Rachel, and her niece Naomi. I wanted to get the nannies something for Christmas because they work so hard all day everyday. They are lucky if they get to eat lunch without holding a child or putting their food down and running upstairs to see to one of their babies. I wanted something special for each of them. For Tesfanesh I found a really nice necklace and earring set made of silver and a black stone. For Meseret I found a very nice long shirt – she likes to dress to the nines on her day off. For Zoudie, who is very very small, I found a brown with mint green orbs dress and matching sweater. For Bezunesh I found a very nice purple dress. For Hiwot I am going to get her a pair of jeans – she really really wants a new pair but they are too expensive for her. I think for the older children I will get them each a new movie. As for the younger children – I'm not sure yet but I will think of something.
I asked "A" what he wanted for Christmas. His reply was so sweet and heartbreaking, "What is Christmas?" I said, "Really? You have never had a Christmas?" He shook his head no. So I explained to him what Christmas was and why we celebrated it. I don't think he can comprehend it fully until he experiences it. He definitely didn't get the exchanging of gifts part. I started naming different things like movies and games and toys and a bike...his expression was priceless when he heard bike. Mom and dad now you know what to get him for Christmas.
**If you read this write Em a comment. She can't see them but I e-mail them off to her and she said she loves to read the comments.**
A Day of Firsts
This was a day of many firsts. When I got up I used baby wipes to shave my legs. It actually worked better than I thought. Not having running water is a bit challenging but I am getting used to it. I take showers when we have running water other wise I use baby wipes for everything. Do you know how hard it is to wash your hair using a bucket of cold water and being by yourself? It's challenging.
I then went with Hiwot (a nanny...I learned that this is how to spell her name) out to buy supplies. We were told the night before that four children were coming to the house the next day but we weren't sure who and we would not find out until later that day. So I asked all the nannies what they needed and I asked the cook (Meseret) what she needed and we left. We took the public transportation for a while and then decided that it would be faster to just take a contract taxi. Our first stop was to buy a SIM card…we went to three different places before we were able to get one. Technically I am not allowed to get one because I am not a citizen but Hiwot was able to get one for me. Then we went to buy a cell phone that would actually work in this country. I got a good deal on one - which is surprising because I am white. They usually up the price because they know that white people can usually afford it. We then drove all over Addis finding the stuff that was on our list. I do not like having to go to many places to buy different things…sometimes I wish that they would have a large store like Target where you can buy practically anything. Here you have to go to one shop for plastic buckets, one shop for soap, one shop for baby soap, one shop for cloth diaper covers, one shop for blankets, and so on. It takes all day to go shopping here.
I haven't been to the Mercado (outdoor market) yet but hopefully soon. When we got home the ladies were so thankful that it made the long day worth every penny and minute we were out. I made a fun-fetti cake because it was a special day. I then learned that instead of four children we were getting six children and seven adults (plus two infants who won't stay). Whoa whoa whoa… hold the phone…that is way more that four children. I asked Tesfanesh where everyone was going to stay…she said she didn't know but that she would figure it out. And that the two extra boys were "I" and "A"…my brothers! Woo Hoo! I thought they were going to be here at the beginning of December not now…I wanted to call my mom but I calculated that it was 4am. So I didn't.
Tesfanesh went out to get more food and while she was gone a van full of people showed up. Out came seven adults and eight children (two of them are not being adopted thus not staying). About three minutes after everyone was inside the power went out. All the nannies ran around looking for candles and placing them in the kitchen, kid's dining room and the living room. I immediately recognized "A" and "I" and I tried hard to explain who I was. I ran upstairs and brought pictures of my mom with the boys down. I think "A" understood - I know "I" didn't. I was told that "I"'s mom was here and she had just had a baby girl the week before. Holy Cow! We all thought "I"'s mom was dead…turns out she's not. Dinner was hectic and the nannies and I didn't end up eating until 9pm or so. I called my mom and she was so excited that the boys are here with me. We are all hoping that they pass court the first time and can travel right after Christmas. (This was written prior to the court date, Dec 9th. Everything was not in order and a new court date has been set for Jan. 22nd).
Rescue Me
This house is over flowing with children. Most of the time I really enjoy all of the children but then there are split seconds when I just want my personal space. Today was a day of personal hygiene for the children. I brought out the toothbrushes and the q-tips. It is so hard getting everyone's teeth brushed in an orderly fashion. They were so excited brush their teeth - which is completely opposite from the kids in the U.S. – that they swarmed me jumping up and down asking for their tooth brush. Once I was able to hand every one their brush with toothpaste on it the spitting began. I know they didn't mean to spit on me and that they are only two and three but it was nasty and I got upset.
Tamirat wanted my sole attention but when there are 15 other kids that need help it is just impossible and so he clung to my leg when I was helping the other kids. He loves his shoes and when they fell off he just started crying and placed in my lap muddy wet sneakers getting my clothes all dirty – all while I was brushing Eyob's teeth. After I got all the toothbrushes from them and re-wrote their names with sharpie instead of washable marker I brought out the q-tips. Every single one had nasty ears. I had them sit on my lap while I tried my best to get out as much wax as possible without putting it in their ear too far. I even had "A" sit on my lap and he is almost as tall as me.
I have noticed that the kids from Emmanuel are more mal-nourished and have poorer hygiene than the kids from Kamashi. I'm not saying that the actual orphan center is worse just that they come to the orphan center in such bad shape because it is a very poor area. For example Kanesa (formerly spelled Kenisha) has really bad teeth. His gums bleed so much when I brush them but I am extra gentle with him because of it. I'm not sure if they are cavities but he has permanent black stuff on his teeth and plaque that will not go away. From a distance you can't see this stuff but as I was brushing I noticed. His ears were also the worst of all the other kids. He had dried wax in the fold of the tops of his ears and dried wax all over the ear canal. I think I used six q-tips for him alone.
Maternal Instict
Even though I am not a mom I think I have more of a maternal instinct than some of the mother's that were/are staying here. Lily's mom (Bezunesh) has been here for three weeks now and has been breastfeeding her to reduce the risk of infection that is likely to occur in premies that are formula fed. I know she is only 19 years old but I could do a better job than she is. Since she is feeding Lily she has been helping out with Muna and Yabsira (formerly spelled Yeahbsura) a lot - which has been a big help to Tesfanesh (I learned how to spell her name) who is now able to help me with the 15 older kids. We had to teach her how to do everything. A couple days ago I noticed that as soon as she was done feeding her she set her down and then about ten minutes later Lily vomited. I told her through Tesfanesh that she needed to burp her every time after she eats. She thinks that if they are crying then they are hungry - the thought of a dirty diaper or the want of being held never enters her mind. I find myself checking often to see if the girls need to be changed or burped or held.
Most days I only use silverware to stir my coffee or to scoop more shirowot onto my injera (shirowot is made of lentils and has the consistency of gravy). Meseret has Sundays off so I decided that I should cook dinner one of these days it just so happened that it worked out perfectly today – so I made for all 22 people homemade chicken noodle soup. Luckily you can buy de-feathered chickens at some little markets so I didn't have to kill any today. Hiwot and I took the minibus to Gebriel where we knew the market there had 'prepared chicken' as they call it. I was learning how the minibus system works so that I can get around town without having to pay an arm and a leg with contract taxis. (I wasn't able to go church this morning because there wasn't any contract taxis by the house).
Anyways back to the chicken noodle soup. I boiled the whole chickens and started on the noodles. I taught Hiwot how to make them – she likes to help in the kitchen but most of the time her three babies need her and Meseret doesn't really need help making wot and injera. They don't have a rolling pin so we used a vinegar bottle and it worked surprisingly well. I quadrupled the batch thinking that it would be plenty…I should have made five or six batches of dough. We had JUST enough and some probably could have eaten more but there wasn't any left. Luckily we had made a stop for fresh bread so the kids had that with their soup. I think God helped me ration the two pots of soup for all 22 people. After all the noodles were in I really didn't think we would have enough but we did. We left the two chicken carcasses in the fridge for Meseret…Tesfanesh said that we should tell her that there are leftovers in the fridge for her.
I decided that I would cook on Sunday nights for everyone. This will take a lot of pressure off of the ladies who have to cook and take care of their kids on Sundays. Tesfanesh said that she couldn't wait till next week. While she was talking I looked over at Bezunesh (Lily's mom) and she was eating her soup with her bread like it was injera and wot. I told her that she has to use silverware and that this isn't injera. I never thought it to be such a foreign thing but then I never use my hands to eat crepes and gravy (injera and wot) either.
I took "A" to church with me one Sunday and we went out to eat with Philipa's family after. He ordered a fish sandwich and ate it like injera and wot. I think this was his first time eating a sandwich. If you have never eaten Ethiopian cuisine then you probably don't know how to eat injera and wot. First you lay some injera (like a crepe) flat on a plate then you scoop the different kinds of wot onto your injera. Then you tear a piece of injera and use it to pinch the wot (with your thumb and three fingers of your right hand) and place it in your mouth. I think everyone should find an Ethiopian restaurant and try some.
Are we Really in the 21st Century?
Yesterday I rode home from downtown Alembank to the house in a horse drawn buggy. It was the most rickety thing and super uncomfortable but it was so much fun. It was mostly made of rebar and tarp with some wood for the harness thing. What was the tarp used for? Well for the seat cushion and covering where canvas is usually used. It wasn't much of a cushion though as we bumped along on the rocky road. I was carrying eggs praying to God that I wouldn't fall out and break them. I think I will try it again soon.
Ho Ho Ho Merry Christmas
I went Christmas shopping the other day with Philipa (the Australian nurse), her daughter Hannah, her sister Rachel, and her niece Naomi. I wanted to get the nannies something for Christmas because they work so hard all day everyday. They are lucky if they get to eat lunch without holding a child or putting their food down and running upstairs to see to one of their babies. I wanted something special for each of them. For Tesfanesh I found a really nice necklace and earring set made of silver and a black stone. For Meseret I found a very nice long shirt – she likes to dress to the nines on her day off. For Zoudie, who is very very small, I found a brown with mint green orbs dress and matching sweater. For Bezunesh I found a very nice purple dress. For Hiwot I am going to get her a pair of jeans – she really really wants a new pair but they are too expensive for her. I think for the older children I will get them each a new movie. As for the younger children – I'm not sure yet but I will think of something.
I asked "A" what he wanted for Christmas. His reply was so sweet and heartbreaking, "What is Christmas?" I said, "Really? You have never had a Christmas?" He shook his head no. So I explained to him what Christmas was and why we celebrated it. I don't think he can comprehend it fully until he experiences it. He definitely didn't get the exchanging of gifts part. I started naming different things like movies and games and toys and a bike...his expression was priceless when he heard bike. Mom and dad now you know what to get him for Christmas.
**If you read this write Em a comment. She can't see them but I e-mail them off to her and she said she loves to read the comments.**
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Update Via Autumn
I know it's not the same but I was able to talk to Emily for close to a half hour today and wanted to update everyone on how she is doing.
Emily is doing well and sounded really good (despite the cold and possible parasite). She has started taking medicine and is already feeling better than yesterday. She said she goes out into town about once a week. She has been to church (International Evangelical Church) twice and really loves it. Two weeks ago she couldn't go because as she was walking out the door one boy broke his arm and she spent all day at 4 clinics trying to get him fixed up. Then last week she was planning on it but didn't make it... "I" (our 8 year old brother), "A" (our 10 year old brother), Emily and A's uncle (who is a pastor) went out to get a taxi and couldn't find one. I guess there were tons of taxis but no contracted drivers so every taxi was missing a driver. There was one guy who was a driver but he was missing an entire tire. He was trying to get Emily and the three boys into his 3-wheeled taxi. She refused and all the other people standing around were laughing at this guy who was trying to talk the white girl into something so stupid. I guess he didn't give up easily despite only having 3 tires. So...they didn't make it to church.
"A" hangs out with Emily a lot. Yesterday for example he came to her room and just plopped on the bed. She asked what was wrong and he said he was sick of the little kids. So they just hung out and talked then watched a movie together. Each day during nap time the 4 big kids ("A", "I" and 2 others) crowd on Em's bed and watch a movie on her laptop. They have run out of movies even though she has bought quite a few pirated ones (shhhh) so yesterday they watched The Office. They didn't understand much but really liked it and were glad to be watching something different. Both A and I are bummed she doesn't have the Spiderman movie. They both LOVE spiderman and the color red. Emily asked what they wanted their room like. They said they each wanted their own bed (not one big bed to share) and reiterated how much they love spiderman. Crazy to think that the BEST room a these boys can imagine is one in which they get their own bed.
Emily was trying to explain Christmas to A. She said it was really hard because he has never received a present before. She started giving him examples and asking him what things he would like for gifts. She asked him clothes, games, a bicycle? I guess when she said bicycle he got this look in his eyes of complete amazement. She said the level of excitement and unbelief that he might have a bicycle made her so sad she almost started crying.
On Monday she went out into town by herself for the first time. She said she was a little nervous but she went to Philippa's (an Australian nurse who has befriended her) house (about 1/2 hour away) but she had been there before so she knew where she was going. Philippa and her two daughters and Emily went out Christmas shopping and had a really good time. She said there are a couple of grocery stores for foreigners. One is called Bambi's and it has everything but it is far away from her house. The other is right by Philippa's house. She said they also have tons of stuff. Everything is imported from the Middle East so it has Arabic writing but she did recognize corn flakes. Philippa was going to pick her up some peanut butter because she has already run out.
Emily is planning on going to the internet cafe tomorrow and will be checking her e-mail then and hopefully sending out another blog post.
Also, Emily has a cell phone but can't use calling cards to call out. We can use calling cards to call her though. If anyone wants to buy a calling card to give her a call let me know and I will pass along her number.
Emily is doing well and sounded really good (despite the cold and possible parasite). She has started taking medicine and is already feeling better than yesterday. She said she goes out into town about once a week. She has been to church (International Evangelical Church) twice and really loves it. Two weeks ago she couldn't go because as she was walking out the door one boy broke his arm and she spent all day at 4 clinics trying to get him fixed up. Then last week she was planning on it but didn't make it... "I" (our 8 year old brother), "A" (our 10 year old brother), Emily and A's uncle (who is a pastor) went out to get a taxi and couldn't find one. I guess there were tons of taxis but no contracted drivers so every taxi was missing a driver. There was one guy who was a driver but he was missing an entire tire. He was trying to get Emily and the three boys into his 3-wheeled taxi. She refused and all the other people standing around were laughing at this guy who was trying to talk the white girl into something so stupid. I guess he didn't give up easily despite only having 3 tires. So...they didn't make it to church.
"A" hangs out with Emily a lot. Yesterday for example he came to her room and just plopped on the bed. She asked what was wrong and he said he was sick of the little kids. So they just hung out and talked then watched a movie together. Each day during nap time the 4 big kids ("A", "I" and 2 others) crowd on Em's bed and watch a movie on her laptop. They have run out of movies even though she has bought quite a few pirated ones (shhhh) so yesterday they watched The Office. They didn't understand much but really liked it and were glad to be watching something different. Both A and I are bummed she doesn't have the Spiderman movie. They both LOVE spiderman and the color red. Emily asked what they wanted their room like. They said they each wanted their own bed (not one big bed to share) and reiterated how much they love spiderman. Crazy to think that the BEST room a these boys can imagine is one in which they get their own bed.
Emily was trying to explain Christmas to A. She said it was really hard because he has never received a present before. She started giving him examples and asking him what things he would like for gifts. She asked him clothes, games, a bicycle? I guess when she said bicycle he got this look in his eyes of complete amazement. She said the level of excitement and unbelief that he might have a bicycle made her so sad she almost started crying.
On Monday she went out into town by herself for the first time. She said she was a little nervous but she went to Philippa's (an Australian nurse who has befriended her) house (about 1/2 hour away) but she had been there before so she knew where she was going. Philippa and her two daughters and Emily went out Christmas shopping and had a really good time. She said there are a couple of grocery stores for foreigners. One is called Bambi's and it has everything but it is far away from her house. The other is right by Philippa's house. She said they also have tons of stuff. Everything is imported from the Middle East so it has Arabic writing but she did recognize corn flakes. Philippa was going to pick her up some peanut butter because she has already run out.
Emily is planning on going to the internet cafe tomorrow and will be checking her e-mail then and hopefully sending out another blog post.
Also, Emily has a cell phone but can't use calling cards to call out. We can use calling cards to call her though. If anyone wants to buy a calling card to give her a call let me know and I will pass along her number.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Little Things
Here are some little things that I have wanted to post but have been unable to.
I have come to realize that having power all the time is not going to happen here in Addis. One night I was trying to make brownies in the little muffin tins so that everyone will get some and the power went out...not once or twice even, but three times...during all three batches. The brownies were hard as a rock by the time they were done.
Attack of the Villagers
On November 20th we were told that four more children would be coming to the house. That night six more children came and seven adults. The house is very crowded now. My two brothers were in that group of children and it has been a blessing to get to know them. Alemu is so sweet and wonderful. Israel is nice but likes to play with toys.
I had to give up my baby wipes to the actual babies. I learned to shave my legs using baby wipes, wash myself when we don't have water and many other things. I am very sad now.
Mmmmm Mmmm Injera
We got an injera maker at the house and Meseret is now making injera three times a week. It is actually really good. So don't worry I'm not starving. I would post pictures but it takes forever to email them.
Wooha is Life
That means water in Amharic. It is so vital to us. We usually get running water for two days and then we have to rely on a water tank outside. I haven't been showering as often but I am managing very nicely...I am glad I brought a hat!
EMT Skills
I finally got to use my EMT skills on Sunday! Ayanna broke his left arm. We had to take him to four different clinics and hospitals to get it set and casted. He was such a trooper he only cried when they were setting it. The doctor gave him valium and so he was a little loopyf or the rest of the night. He is getting used to having a cast and is doing much better.
I have been enjoying all of the new kids and parents too. The parents are slowing going back to their villages after they appear in court so things are settling down some.
I will try to post again soon.
*Emily can't access blogger in Ethiopia. She is typing out posts on her computer but has to go to an internet cafe to e-mail them in. She will try to go once a week.
I have come to realize that having power all the time is not going to happen here in Addis. One night I was trying to make brownies in the little muffin tins so that everyone will get some and the power went out...not once or twice even, but three times...during all three batches. The brownies were hard as a rock by the time they were done.
Attack of the Villagers
On November 20th we were told that four more children would be coming to the house. That night six more children came and seven adults. The house is very crowded now. My two brothers were in that group of children and it has been a blessing to get to know them. Alemu is so sweet and wonderful. Israel is nice but likes to play with toys.
I had to give up my baby wipes to the actual babies. I learned to shave my legs using baby wipes, wash myself when we don't have water and many other things. I am very sad now.
Mmmmm Mmmm Injera
We got an injera maker at the house and Meseret is now making injera three times a week. It is actually really good. So don't worry I'm not starving. I would post pictures but it takes forever to email them.
Wooha is Life
That means water in Amharic. It is so vital to us. We usually get running water for two days and then we have to rely on a water tank outside. I haven't been showering as often but I am managing very nicely...I am glad I brought a hat!
EMT Skills
I finally got to use my EMT skills on Sunday! Ayanna broke his left arm. We had to take him to four different clinics and hospitals to get it set and casted. He was such a trooper he only cried when they were setting it. The doctor gave him valium and so he was a little loopyf or the rest of the night. He is getting used to having a cast and is doing much better.
I have been enjoying all of the new kids and parents too. The parents are slowing going back to their villages after they appear in court so things are settling down some.
I will try to post again soon.
*Emily can't access blogger in Ethiopia. She is typing out posts on her computer but has to go to an internet cafe to e-mail them in. She will try to go once a week.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
With Two Feet
That’s right I jumped in with two feet from my first day here. I never knew how exhausting it could be. The first day we spent 5 hours at a hospital getting the three new boys (Kenisha, Melkamu and Matthew) and the new baby (Lily) looked at to see if they were healthy. They were not. They are extremely mal-nourished so bad in fact that their body is eating their muscles. The baby who we thought was only 6 days old is more like 2 weeks old. This hospital has a really good pediatric wing but they don’t have any toys for the kids to play with so 5 hours was a really long time for them. We didn’t think it would take that long so we only brought snacks and not anything for lunch. Luckily Phillipa lives close and got some really good bread for them. That was a long day – I went to bed at 5pm.
There are three nannies and one cook/cleaning lady. Tesfanish is the head nanny and she takes care of three babies (Muna – almost 3 months, Absarah – 3 weeks old and Lily who is a premi and weights only 1.5 kg – Phillipa the Australian nurse and I named her) and eight kids (Mastewal – 6 years old, Eyob – 4 years old, Eyob – 3 years old, Kenisha – 3 years old, Matthew – 2 ½ years old, Daratu – 2 ½ years old, Melkamu – 2 years old and Helina – 18 months old). She is a very busy lady who rarely eats or sleeps. She loves the kids like they were her own. She loves the 3 year old Eyob like her own son. He sleeps with her and calls her Mama. I think it would break her heart if he was adopted. I have been helping her a lot with the older kids when she is here and when she goes to the doctor with one of the kids I am in charge of the babies. They are so tiny and precious.
Hewitt is in charge of three babies as well (Ruth – 3 months old, Equtatash – 3 months old and Meskerem – 6-7 months old) Meskerem is the happiest baby I have ever seen. She is always smiling and laughing even if no one is around her. Hewitt is potty training her. I was impressed that she didn’t go in her diaper all day. I started helping Hewitt in the morning with the three girls, but after I realized Tesfanish needed way more help with the big kids I now help get them dressed and outside.
Zowdie has her hands full with two babies (Domino – 8 months and Henok – 5 months). Domino is the most active baby I have ever been around. She does not like to sit still for one minute. Henok on the other hand is very laid back. He can’t sit up or hold his own head up yet...he is a big guy. Domino keeps Zowdie very very busy.
My days so far are really busy. I get up around 7am and get the big kids dressed and outside or entertained some other way until breakfast. After breakfast we play more until lunch then it is naptime - all while watching at least one baby. After nap we play more until dinner. Then it is bedtime, which is usually around 7:30pm. It is a process getting everyone to bed. I find that I am too tired to even eat dinner. Last night I made myself stay up until 9pm other than that I have been falling asleep around 8pm. The bad thing about that is that I usually wake up at 3am and don’t fall back asleep until 5am when the Muslim call to prayer is over.
Things I hate:
Constantly taking someone to the bathroom.
They don’t use toilet paper here so the kids smell like poop sometimes.
Cloth diapers…they are so nasty. I haven’t gotten the hang of it yet either.
Not having running water all the time.
Having a real mattress but it being hard as rock…seriously.
Constantly telling them not to hit or take other’s toys.
Not having the internet when I need it.
Things I Love:
Melkamu’s smile…he was very shy at first but now he is engaging with everyone. He has a problem with his feet so he either crawls or you have to carry him and he loves to snuggle.
Daratu. I know I’m not supposed to have favorites but she is mine. She is such a sweet girl who smiles with her mouth closed, shoulders scrunched and hands next to her mouth. She sings softly to herself and cries silently when she has to go to the bathroom.
Eyob (3 year old) when he comes over and kisses me randomly. Other than that he is a stinker.
Helina when she runs and gives me a hug which is rare. I am usually telling her to stop hitting everyone else.
Eyob (4 year old) when he tries to help take care of the babies. He is a stinker too who is always taking someone else’s toy.
Matthew when I tickle him he has a very contagious laugh.
Mastewal loves to help. She folds the laundry, helps the kids make their beds and helps Tesfanish or Hewitt with whatever they need.
Kenisha when he looks after his little brother Melkamu. It is so sweet how he plays with him if no one else is. He was the most shy out of the three new boys but finally he has come out of his shell.
I love having my own room.
I love rocking the little babies to sleep or feeding them.
I have been crazy busy but it has been a good busy.
There are three nannies and one cook/cleaning lady. Tesfanish is the head nanny and she takes care of three babies (Muna – almost 3 months, Absarah – 3 weeks old and Lily who is a premi and weights only 1.5 kg – Phillipa the Australian nurse and I named her) and eight kids (Mastewal – 6 years old, Eyob – 4 years old, Eyob – 3 years old, Kenisha – 3 years old, Matthew – 2 ½ years old, Daratu – 2 ½ years old, Melkamu – 2 years old and Helina – 18 months old). She is a very busy lady who rarely eats or sleeps. She loves the kids like they were her own. She loves the 3 year old Eyob like her own son. He sleeps with her and calls her Mama. I think it would break her heart if he was adopted. I have been helping her a lot with the older kids when she is here and when she goes to the doctor with one of the kids I am in charge of the babies. They are so tiny and precious.
Hewitt is in charge of three babies as well (Ruth – 3 months old, Equtatash – 3 months old and Meskerem – 6-7 months old) Meskerem is the happiest baby I have ever seen. She is always smiling and laughing even if no one is around her. Hewitt is potty training her. I was impressed that she didn’t go in her diaper all day. I started helping Hewitt in the morning with the three girls, but after I realized Tesfanish needed way more help with the big kids I now help get them dressed and outside.
Zowdie has her hands full with two babies (Domino – 8 months and Henok – 5 months). Domino is the most active baby I have ever been around. She does not like to sit still for one minute. Henok on the other hand is very laid back. He can’t sit up or hold his own head up yet...he is a big guy. Domino keeps Zowdie very very busy.
My days so far are really busy. I get up around 7am and get the big kids dressed and outside or entertained some other way until breakfast. After breakfast we play more until lunch then it is naptime - all while watching at least one baby. After nap we play more until dinner. Then it is bedtime, which is usually around 7:30pm. It is a process getting everyone to bed. I find that I am too tired to even eat dinner. Last night I made myself stay up until 9pm other than that I have been falling asleep around 8pm. The bad thing about that is that I usually wake up at 3am and don’t fall back asleep until 5am when the Muslim call to prayer is over.
Things I hate:
Constantly taking someone to the bathroom.
They don’t use toilet paper here so the kids smell like poop sometimes.
Cloth diapers…they are so nasty. I haven’t gotten the hang of it yet either.
Not having running water all the time.
Having a real mattress but it being hard as rock…seriously.
Constantly telling them not to hit or take other’s toys.
Not having the internet when I need it.
Things I Love:
Melkamu’s smile…he was very shy at first but now he is engaging with everyone. He has a problem with his feet so he either crawls or you have to carry him and he loves to snuggle.
Daratu. I know I’m not supposed to have favorites but she is mine. She is such a sweet girl who smiles with her mouth closed, shoulders scrunched and hands next to her mouth. She sings softly to herself and cries silently when she has to go to the bathroom.
Eyob (3 year old) when he comes over and kisses me randomly. Other than that he is a stinker.
Helina when she runs and gives me a hug which is rare. I am usually telling her to stop hitting everyone else.
Eyob (4 year old) when he tries to help take care of the babies. He is a stinker too who is always taking someone else’s toy.
Matthew when I tickle him he has a very contagious laugh.
Mastewal loves to help. She folds the laundry, helps the kids make their beds and helps Tesfanish or Hewitt with whatever they need.
Kenisha when he looks after his little brother Melkamu. It is so sweet how he plays with him if no one else is. He was the most shy out of the three new boys but finally he has come out of his shell.
I love having my own room.
I love rocking the little babies to sleep or feeding them.
I have been crazy busy but it has been a good busy.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Oh what a day and by day I mean the last couple days...
It has been crazy to say the least. Monday was an awesome day. I went to the Wild Animal Park with a very special family - the Jung's (pronounced Young's). He was one of my Bible professors that I ended up babysitting for my freshman year. Ever since I have babysat for them for entire weekends...I just love their children. After a long day of walking my friend Jeff picked me up on his way home from work and dropped me off in Mission Valley. Autumn had told me to keep monday night open because my dad wanted to make a really special dinner for me. This is very normal for Monday's his day off and he usually 'creates' something spectacular. So Autumn and I went to Target to waste time before we needed to be home for my surprise dinner. When I walk inside my front door there were way more than 8 people...there were 38 people. Autumn and Brian were the masterminds behind the best going away party ever. Thank you so much for putting it together. And thank you dad for cleaning the house before everyone came over...I know Mom really appreciated it too. Oh and thank you Brian for picking out the red, yellow and green M&M's from the rest so that we could have Ethiopian flag colored M&M's.
Yesterday was a crazy day...if you have read my blog before you know that I am a procrastinator. I started packing in the morning and finished shopping last night. I didn't just have to pack for a year long trip but I had to pack up the room I was staying in so that my mom can get it ready for my two new brothers. So, thank you Mom, Autumn and Dad for helping me pack everything up. I didn't get done with writing 'Thank You' cards until mid-night. I got everything that I will need for a while into two army canvas bags and one plastic tub (which U.S. Airway cracked). They all weight 50lbs...which is heavy!
This morning I had to get up at 4am! That is too early for anyone. I flew to
Phoenix and switched planes there. Guess who was on my flight from Phoenix to D.C.? Go ahead guess...
John McCain. That's right. He was sitting in first class and as I was walking back to my seat I looked over and there he was reading the newspaper. So of course I called my mom right away. Most people didn't recognize him but a few of us did...and boy he looks old without all the stage makeup on. Anyways, I am in D.C. right now waiting for my flight to Addis Ababa which leaves in a little less than 2 hours.
Thank you everyone who has supported me whether it be financially or through prayer...I truly appreciate it. And thank you once again to my family...they are keepers and I wouldn't trade them for anything...even for Jake Peavey & Khalil Greene. I love you all so much and I miss you already.
This is my family at my graduation this summer.

Sunday, November 9, 2008
Silky & Fuzzy
I talked my mom into helping me make little blankets for the children at the transition house. I ordered seven different colored minky fabrics online and boy are they soft. I also went to Joann's and got some silky satins that matched the fuzzy. My mom, best friend Lisa and I put together 14 little blankies...Lisa would help me cut the fabric, I would pin it and my mom would sew it. Lisa would also sew the corners down. Here are some pictures of the finished products.

And yes I am no longer a blonde...sad day.

Monday, November 3, 2008
I want a cute diaper bag too...
Autumn and I have been looking and looking for a cute diaper bag for her and since she is very particular about what style of bag and color she wants it has been kind of difficult finding a modestly priced one that she actually likes.
Today I got my first assignment. I get to make a 12 hour journey to go pick up a baby boy at a hospital and bring him back to Addis. I also will get to go to another orphanage and take video footage of two little boys so that they can hopefully be adopted. I was talking with my mom about what it will be like traveling for 12 hours with a newborn and a thought popped into my head...I need a diaper bag now. And not just any diaper bag - I want a cute diaper bag too. So the search begins for a cute diaper bag.
Today I got my first assignment. I get to make a 12 hour journey to go pick up a baby boy at a hospital and bring him back to Addis. I also will get to go to another orphanage and take video footage of two little boys so that they can hopefully be adopted. I was talking with my mom about what it will be like traveling for 12 hours with a newborn and a thought popped into my head...I need a diaper bag now. And not just any diaper bag - I want a cute diaper bag too. So the search begins for a cute diaper bag.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Confessions from a Procrastinator
That's right I'm a procrastinator. My latest stunt as a procrastinator...which is making my sister that I haven't started packing for my year-long trip to Ethiopia and I leave in two weeks. Most people would be fine with having two weeks to pack for a trip but I am going to be in the city that never sleeps for five days...which leaves me TEN days to shop and pack for a year. Ahhhh! It's a good thing Autumn will help me...
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