Monday, November 3, 2008

I want a cute diaper bag too...

Autumn and I have been looking and looking for a cute diaper bag for her and since she is very particular about what style of bag and color she wants it has been kind of difficult finding a modestly priced one that she actually likes.

Today I got my first assignment. I get to make a 12 hour journey to go pick up a baby boy at a hospital and bring him back to Addis. I also will get to go to another orphanage and take video footage of two little boys so that they can hopefully be adopted. I was talking with my mom about what it will be like traveling for 12 hours with a newborn and a thought popped into my head...I need a diaper bag now. And not just any diaper bag - I want a cute diaper bag too. So the search begins for a cute diaper bag.


Techno News said...

Wow. What a nice thinking.......

Nathan Cornett said...

Hahaha! Not just any bag... a CUTE bag... hahaha! I'm sure that will be a huge concern as you travel across the African countryside, baby on hip... I'm pretty sure that a cute, white, American girl with a cute, African baby will be enough cute for one 12 hour drive.

Brooke said...

good luck. diaper bags.

larzwong said...

amelie!! yay you have a blog. green of course. my advice: target, worldmarket, ross/marshalls, mervyns (they are going out of business, so they have big sales!). love you.

Brian and Autumn said...

Please - you make me sound so high maintenance. Is it too much to ask for a diaper bag with beautiful colors/patterns that expresses me while being acceptable for Brian to carry (ie. not too much pink), no nasty vinyl which is subject to tearing, an easy access messanger bag flip top in order to avoiding busting a zipper when I am stuffing it full of my *stuff, the perfect size because I don't need a massive diaper bag that weighs more than my child, and a price of less than $175 like all the ones my taste has led me to thus far???... I think not. I am seriously not being difficult AT ALL!

christa said...

And you found one! Yay! AND I found your blog! I'm going to get addicted quickly!

LOVE YOU, EM! I had a great time with you the other day!