Em called a driver (they use the same 2-3 drivers all the time) and was told a certain someone (who we shall call "D") told the drivers that they are not allowed to take Emily to any other orphanage without first getting D's permission. First of all, this other orphanage is a completely unrelated entity. Secondly, the only reason "D" told the drivers this was to maintain complete control...Emily has done nothing that would in any way harm a relationship between orphanages and the place she works for. Thirdly (is that a word?) Emily has an awesome reputation at these orphanages which shines a positive light on the place she is working for...so awesome in fact that of all the people they could call to ask for help this orphanage called Emily to ask her to train everyone in the basics of childcare.

Emily called home really upset and discouraged. "D" who set these things into place is not returning any of her calls and is refusing to speak to her except via text message. Emily just wants things explained in person or at least over the phone as a lot can get lost in translation 1) because she is in Ethiopia and doesn't speak Amharic and 2) because that's what can happen over text messages.

So...here's where the bragging comes in. Today my Mom got a message from Emily. She got her driver's license, rented a car, and has now officially driven herself on the streets of Addis Ababa. Way to beat them at their own game, Em! I am really proud of Emily for a lot of reasons. She is living a very rough life. She is creatively problem solving. She is incredibly adventurous and brave to get a license in Ethiopia. She is remaining respectful in her communication to the people she is having conflict with despite everything that she must be feeling. Although she is probably discouraged she is still doing what she went to Ethiopia to do... love on the kids and help make their lives better. Now she has been given the opportunity to positively touch additional lives by being invited to train an entire orphanage how to care for their children.
Keep up the good work, Emily! We love you!
Way to go Emily! I am so proud of you. I love you. Mom
Hearing about all Emily is doing is very inspirational! It was always my dream growing up to do what she is doing, but I ended up married and we are adopting our first child from Ethiopia now. I am sure she is touching many lives over in Ethiopia, and I love reading this blog! Things might get hard, but I know God is in control and will bless her for all she is doing. You are doing great Emily!
THIS is why I love her so much! Nothing can get in her way...ever. Em- you inspire me! Stay strong! Love you!
Good going, Emily! It can be soooo hard to remain respectful and still follow through with what you know is right. It's so fantastic that you have that balance!!!
Awesome! We couldn't agree more with all the "bragging" on you! Hang in there! Maybe you can be my driver when I return in September!! Never stop doing what is right--you have a lot of people in your corner. You are in our thoughts and prayers.
Heather Bailey
What an incredible girl she is !!! I have seen how they drive in ethiopia..yikes !! She is brave !!I know her heart is there for the kids and she is so amazing. Seriously the people who are giving her trouble...should hang there heads in shame :( a certain "s" is a piece of work.
Emily, My hubby and I are CCI families. We are adopting a sweet little one in the transition house. Our court date is May 22nd. Lisa P. just brought her to Tesfanash I believe. Do you know her?
Hang in there. We are so thankful for your committment to these precious children!
So sorry you are having to deal with difficult people Emily. I'm just shocked & of course trying to figure out who "D" is - I think I have an idea. Anyway, you've overcome your obstacle & I'm very proud of you!!
I've been meaning to write to you and share with you how Ana is doing..She is doing fantastic!! She loves her new siblings - well her and Tina kind of have a love/hate relationship going right now. She continues to charm everyone she meets! Ana loves to eat everything put in front of her - we are starting to limit her a bit ;) She's been sleeping well and learning English so fast!!
I'm wondering if you could email me the prayer she says at meal time - like write it out for us - she is quickly forgetting her native language, but we have had her say her prayer at almost every meal so she still remembers it but it would help Kyle and I to see it written out.
We owe you a BIG thank you Emily - for preparing Ana so well for our arrival. She has adjusted so well to her new home and surroundings. We just couldn't have asked for our transition to go much better and I believe you had something to do with that!!
She is still showing us her stubbornness at times and fusses when I do her hair. How Hewit ever got all those braids in while she fussed I have no idea - or I suppose she just fusses for me and not Hewit.
You're doing a great job in Addis Emily! We will be forever grateful!
Oh, I picked up Slinky Malinky for Ana!!
Love, Kathy Freier
I have been praying for your strength. When you do what God has called you to do, always expect there to be opposition from the enemy. When you start to get discouraged, remember why you went. Remember when discouragement arises, God's plan is being fulfilled! I am so incredibly proud of you and you are remembered and talked about alot in our home. Even my other two children are falling in love with you because Bruke thinks so much of you! Shame on me for not getting a good picture of you and him for his album...You are an incredible young woman. I couldn't agree more with Kathy Freier, you prepared Bruke for the transition to America more than anyone could have. I know the love and attatchment that he has with us, has proven to be because he had such a strong attachment to you and his nannies at his orphanage. Thank you again, for investing in my little guy. I have seen his stubborn side, but I do love a little one who will stand up for themselves. :) He is adjusting beautifully and loves being a "Stirling"!
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